This is great news, thanks for posting.
We are a startup aiming to introduce a stablecoin / stabletoken by way of a payment system. Unfortunately, we currently cannot operate in the U.S. until we comply with antiquated laws designed for paper money. Millenials also have to vote in elections to influence the direction the U.S. is taking with regards to cryptos. The question is, which political party would be best for cryptos?
We have two major political parties: Republican and Democrat. The Republicans are capitalist and the Democrats are socialist. These are simplistic labels but accurate enough for purposes of voting. The Republican ideology calls for deregulation of capital and money while the Democrats are clearly going in the opposite direction with their Green New Deal (GND). The GND would protect the Fed (U.S. central bank) and in fact would give it more power to “print” money as the GND ideology calls for. For more information, simply search “Green New Deal” and “Modern Monetary Theory” (MMT). MMT is anathema to crypto because it is based on the (bad) idea that it’s the government that imbues fiat money with value, not the people themselves.
On the Republican side, the keywords to search are “Wyoming cryptocurrency bill” (or blockchain legislation) and “Uniform Cryptocurrency Law”. Of course, there are Democrats (rare for Republicans) who double-talk and seem to side with both positions, but rather than listen to politicians it is better to read each political party’s platform.
Millenials, please vote wisely. Understand the underlying ideologies: when you become convinced, your friends will follow your lead.